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Earth Observation Platform

The Earth Observation Platform (EOP) systemizes data from the Forest Administrative Platform with satellite imagery (Landsat8, Sentinel2) to identify disturbances to the environment using remote sensing techniques. 

The environmental disturbances examined by EOP are illegal logging and environmental damage or disturbances such as wildfires and summer droughts. EOP also aims to investigate the conservation status of forests with tools to map their structural diversity.

The EOP is used directly or indirectly by its users: LIFE-FOLIAGE partners use the EOP directly, through a programming interface, while other users can view/download the cartographies produced by the EOP webgis interface.

Gli utenti della PMF hanno obiettivi  diversificati:

  1. i partner del LIFE-FOLIAGE sperimentano algoritmi tradizionali e altri basati su intelligenza artificiale per identificare i disturbi ambientali e supportare il monitoraggio  dello stato di conservazione delle foreste. Gli algoritmi identificati come i più efficienti sono quindi consolidati nella PMF e richiamati a intervalli temporali regular time intervals, to automatically create maps and alert services (eg. Unauthorized cutting in the area). 
  2. Region and PA’s aspire to know the state of forests in order to develop forest policies. Critical issues are marked both with maps and alerts; 
  3. forest professional can use EOP to know the dynamics at work in the forests affected by their administrative practices;
  4.  Carabinieri follow the validation of the cartographic maps produced by EOP and can use them to plan their activities in the field;
  5.  non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can consult the cartographic maps produced by EOP to support their activities and studies.
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Forest planning and earth observation for a well-grounded governance

The Life Foliage project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement LIFE FOLIAGE (LIFE19 GIE/IT/000311)

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