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The LIFE Foliage software platforms

FOLIAGE is a 2020-funded LIFE project that pursues the goal of improving forest Governance through the development of specialized software and interaction with the stakeholders to whom the software is dedicated.  

Specialistic software developed during the project are listed in table 1. The softwares interacts between each other exchanging useful information and building one integrated platform: Digital System of Forest.

The first release of the Forest Administrative Platform and the Forest Monitoring Platform will be released by the end of the year 2021. The first release of the other platforms will be made available by September 2022. Stakeholders are invited to use the developed services right away, to assess functionality and critical issues. Thanks to the feedback received, it will be possible to direct the development of Foliage's digital services and refine them over the course of the project, which will end in the first half of the year 2024.  After that date, the functioning of the software will be guaranteed for further 3 years by AlmavivA spa. Subsequently, the Regions that have adopted the digital services of LIFE Foliage will be able to guarantee the continuity of the services by migrating them on their own servers or by implementing other strategies.

The use of FMP will be regulated by law amendment promulgated by Lazio and Umbria region.  All technologies will be open source and therefore freely available to the interested administration.

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Forest planning and earth observation for a well-grounded governance

The Life Foliage project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement LIFE FOLIAGE (LIFE19 GIE/IT/000311)

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