The LIFE FOLIAGE (LIFE19 GIE/IT/000311) is funded by The Life Programme The LIFE programme is the EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action created in 1992.
LIFE FOLIAGE (LIFE19 GIE/IT/000311) is a LIFE project funded in 2020, and its goal is to improve forest governance. The specific objectives are:
- digitize regional administrative documents;
- monitor the surface of forests through remote sensing and satellite imagery;
- provide comprehensive information to citizens on forest management;
- provide key statistics to improve forest management.
The project will deal with each specific goals by developing a software(Digital System Forest, SDF) composed of:
- Forest Management Platform (FMP), targeted at PA’s, forestry professionals, enforcement agencies, and citizens;
- The Earth observation platform (EOP), specifically addressed to PA’s and designed to be complemetary instrument of the FMP;
- Information Rilievo Forestale (PRIF), to support with a mobile app the field surveys and the information exchange between citizens, NGOs, law enforcement and PA’s;
- Platform support governance (PSG), to provide aggregated forest statistics to Regions, MIPAAF, MATTM, ISTAT.
L’utilizzo della Piattaforma Amministrativa delle Foreste sarà regolamentato da emendamenti legislativi promulgati dalle Regioni Lazio e Umbria.
All technologies will be open source and therefore freely available to the public.
Forest owners are directly involved in the legislative amendments that will be promulgated by Lazio and Umbria regions: the forest owners will have the opportunity to communicate their questions through online form on FMP.
Forestry professionals are also affected by changes to forestry laws and regulations. Their applications will be developed fully online on FMP, with digitized forms and a webgis to draw up the mapping.
The members of the scientific community who are interested in forest management data and the related statistics can sign up to PSG to carry out scientific research and download raw data that have been appropriately anonymized.
NGO will be able to monitor the territory through the IEP reporting critical environmental issues found in the field and providing feedback on alerts identified remotely (eg. fires, illegal cutting) by satellite imagery.
Citizens will get information in local forestry management through mobile apps.
Provinces, municipality, national and regional natural parks departments are active users of the FEF providing go -ahead and authorizations and denials to forest requests.
Italian regions and state members are potentially interested in acquiring know-how to replicate the project results. The dissemination material will include a working demo of the project with a tutorial of adaptation to different laws and regulations and an analysis of the pros and cons experienced during the project.
MIPAAF is interested in statistical reports from PSG and to support their governance at national level, improving ecosystem services as defined in UE forestry strategy.
Discover the LIFE Foliage partnersLANDSCAPE HUNT caccia di paesaggi!
Interpreta l’immagine del satellite
nel minor tempo possibile.
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del progetto LIFE FOLIAGE!
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Alla Scoperta del Foliage e della Natura di Monte Torre Maggiore
Softwares Platform
The project will address each specific objective by developing a software system (Digital Forestry System, SDF) consisting of:PFM PLATFORM
Addresses to public administration, law enforcement, forestry professional, forest owners/managers“The Forest Management Platform (FMP) is the hub of administrative procedures for logging interventions and forest planning. All forestry applications are managed by the FMP: communication of forest cutting, thinning, conversion of a form of government, forest cutting projects, forest management plans and any other instance in which the cutting of forest stands is planned or requested.”
public administration“The Earth Observation Platform (EOP) systemizes data from the Forest Management Platform (FMP) with satellite imagery (Landsat8, Sentinel2) to identify disturbances to the environment using remote sensing techniques.”
Addresses to public administration, law enforcement, non governative organization and citizensPlatform of relevance and forestry information is a mobile app to support field investigations of forest professionist, PA’s, police and OGN.
per fornire preziose statistiche forestali a Regioni e a tutti i portatori di interesse nazionali.“The Governance Support Platform (PSG) is the portal where all aggregate data and statistics on forestry operations reported and/or authorized in the Regions converge. In addition to these data, information from the Forest Monitoring Platform also flows into the PSG.”