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Forest planning and earth observation for a well-grounded governance



Platform of relevance and forestry information is a mobile app to support field investigations of forest professionist, PA’s, police and OGN. 

IEP is developed for Android systems and also for IoS, and it's published in their official store: Play store and Apple Store. IEP is updated for the entire duration of the project and for the following three years to ensure compatibility with the most recent version. 

IEP allows access to the request instances of forest cutting, during different steps of the bureaucratic process, and to visualize the information about the request, authorization status, and all elements that set up the request. Through the app it is possible to record the geographical position and link photos and any textual notes, which will be associated with the file being processed.

IEP has an interface GIS where are visible basemap layer ( eg. Orthophoto, technical regional map), and other more specific (eg. forest parcel) for forest request. 

GIS content requires the mobile device on which IEP is used to be connected to the Internet; alternatively, information layers can be downloaded (cached) when the mobile device is connected to a wireless network.

The IEP foresees a user accreditation system along the lines proposed for the PAF and, therefore, based on SPID. Access is allowed for each user of the system (e.g. law enforcement, professionals, etc.) to the information they are responsible for (e.g. forestry applications they have entered) and, for the competent bodies, to the personnel assigned to follow the specific forestry application. The law enforcement agencies can view the forestry applications and the related cartography for the verifications of competence.

Professionals, law enforcement, PA and NGOs are therefore entitled to record field activities through the IEP: eg. for professionals - particle descriptions, sample areas, hammering, communications from construction management; for the PA - observations that emerged from the comparison between forestry instance and reality observed in the field and related communications to professionals; for the forestry carabinieri - minutes issued as a result of checks for compliance with current regulations; for NGOs - possibility of delimiting emergencies/environmental criticalities and recording notes and photographic material in a georeferenced manner.

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Forest planning and earth observation for a well-grounded governance

The Life Foliage project has received funding from the European Union under grant agreement LIFE FOLIAGE (LIFE19 GIE/IT/000311)

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