Replicability describes the potential to use the methods and results that the project developed for the forest sector to other sites, nationally, across the EU member states or globally where relevant, for the same purposes.
Transferability describes the process of applying the results of the project in the forest sector, to other contexts, or for other purposes, by different end-users.
The need to replicate project’s methodologies and results in other regions, or even in other EU member states is crucial for mapping, assessing and monitoring the state of forests to accomplish a sustainable forest management at EU level.
This page describes the potential of the project software platforms to be taken up and reused after its end.
A glossary of specific terms and a list of frequently asked questions were collected, arranged in alphabetical order, and followed by their definitions, so that industry professionals can become familiar with the key terms essential for the functioning of the FEF.
Glossary, FAQ, and relevant dissemination material are available at:
Glossary, FAQ, and relevant dissemination material are available at:
Forest Management Platform - for the Digitalization of Forestry Administrative Practices and associated Cartography.
Earth Observation Platform - for remote sensing of forested areas.
Technical documentation describing the applications:
- Deliverable “Release 3 (final) of FMP and EOP, provision of FAQ and technical documentation” TO BE RELEASED IN OCTOBER 2024” TO BE RELEASED IN OCTOBER 2024
- Forest Survey Platform - to provide Support for field surveys.
Technical documentation describing the mobile application
Mobile app developed for Umbria Region:
- Link to apk file “IEP Umbria mobile app” TO BE RELEASED SOON
Mobile app developed for Lazio Region:
- Link to apk file “IEP Lazio mobile app TO BE RELEASED SOON
Governance Support platform to provide aggregated forest statistics to Regions and national stakeholders
Technical documentation describing the reporting products available to the Region:
- Technical documentation describing the reporting products available to the Region:
Project report “(B4_Requisiti_PSG).(FOLIAGE)”
Il codice sorgente del software sviluppato per il Sistema Digitale delle Foreste (SDF) è disponibile in un repository su GitHub. È distribuito con licenza Open Source APACHE 2.
Il repository è disponibile al seguente link: